Japan Import


Looking for a minibike, motorcycle, car, parts or anything else in Japan? We can help you!!

Just tell us what are you looking for and we will help you to find it! Or just add your purchase in our container for a fixed price. Everything is possible.

We will be happy to serve you!


TVPCLASSICS offers a service to buy from motorcycle or car dealer auctions in Japan on your behalf.
These auctions are membership only.

BDS Auctions
JBA Auctions
Aucnet Auctions
Arai Auctions

We can also buy from these Japan websites
Yahoo Auctions Japan

Note: European buyers need to use a VPN to view Yahoo Auctions.

About Our Fees
Here is how the process works.

TVPCLASSICS buys the bike on your behalf, you pay the actual bike price.
Buyer pays for inland transportation (varies on bike location).
You pay TVPCLASSICS buyer’s commission 750 euro.

About shipping containers 
We load all containers at our warehouse in Japan. The loading fee is already included in our buyer's commission. We ship approx. every 3 months one 40t feet container to our warehouse in Belgium ( Europe ).

Costs you should also consider

Shipping – The shippingcost of your bike. You pay for your space in the container.
Customs – What the agent will charge us to clear the motorcycles from the port.
Taxes – What the agent will charge us.
Trucking, transport, and other costs the agent will charge us.